transmission formula

英 [trænzˈmɪʃn ˈfɔːmjələ] 美 [trænzˈmɪʃn ˈfɔːrmjələ]

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  1. Preliminary Study on Morgan Transmission Capacity Simplified Formula of Transmission Lines
  2. The author attempts to derive the transmission loss formula for a rather complicated power system having multiple load points.
  3. Applying the software of MATLAB, we compute and analyze the minimum film thickness of the involute super geared transmission based on the formula of Dowson Higginson, and obtain the relations between the minimum film thickness and the transmission ratios, the meshing positions and the modulus.
  4. As to the nonhomogeneous shaft with variable cross section we may divide it into many mini segments and then deduce a transmission formula utilizing the continuous condition between each segment, and finally, the natural frequency can be found by the use of boundary conditions.
  5. Using the input impedance behavior of the transmission line, the distance-determining formula has been deri-ved.
  6. Because of the complexity of the impedance transformation formula of transmission lines, the formula could not be used directly to design the single-stub tuner.
  7. In this paper, the sound absorption of underwater multi-layered composite structure influenced by material performance and geometrical parameters is discussed using transmission matrix. Theoretical formula of absorption coefficient is given and emulation calculation is developed.
  8. How to use the Transmission Line Length Calculation Formula in Reconstruction Engineering
  9. Then the problem is transformed to that of finding the current or voltage of these transmission lines, which can be solved easily by only one transmission line formula.
  10. The transmission coefficient in the current formula is relevant to the electronic structure of molecule and the interaction between the molecule and the metal.
  11. Development of Automatic Transmission Fluid and Its Formula Selection
  12. Near-field far-field transformations are used by the data measured on a sphere surrounding test antenna based on the transmission formula with probe correction.
  13. In addition, a useful wave transmission coefficient formula is put forward which base on the investigation production, it can be referred in actual application.
  14. The coupled mode equation, reflectivity formula and transmission matrix formula are strictly educed in the appendices.
  15. Under the constraint condition of spherically symmetrical shock wave transmitting in free space, a laser plasma shock wave transmission formula at mediate and far field is given.
  16. Proceeding with the transmission line theory, the analytic formula of the input impedance for the printed IFA ( inverted F antenna) is educed, and the regularity of its impedance variation with its horizontal branch length is studied.
  17. This paper describes that a pair of involute gears is generated using model and mechanism functions of UG software, including transmission of involute formula, creation of expressions and drawing steps, and finally simulation of gearing.
  18. The characteristics of long-period grating ( LPG) flattening filter are analyzed based on transmission formula, and the Er~ ( 3+)/ Yb~ ( 3+) co-doped double-cladding fiber amplifier using tapered bundle coupling configuration is experimentally researched.
  19. This paper focuses on the basic principle, transmission ratio formula, construction design, kinematics analysis, meshing theory analysis, digital simulation and NC manufacturing of mail elements for nutation drive.
  20. As an example, a special A type radome is computed with numerical method of four ports transmission formula and basic dielectric plane theoretics. And the different between two methods is compared.
  21. The double circular-arc as the basic tooth profile of helical bevel gears for nutation drive is proposed. Based on nutation principles, transmission ratio formula and the kinematics properties analysis of whole reducer for nutation drive have been obtained.
  22. Transient analysis of nonuniform transmission lines using Simpson integration formula
  23. Based on the theory of impedance transform of transmission line as well as a mathematical inequality from the parallel and coaxial transmission lines, a mathematical formula for the impedance of the soil probe was developed.
  24. The transmission ratio formula of harmonic drive with external wave generator is deduced first.
  25. The results show that the visible light spectrum transmission ratio and the mean transmission ratio under standard U.S. atmospheric conditions can be favorably described by the metrological visible range transmission ratio formula, but the adaptability to ultraviolet and infrared wave bands needs to be treated with caution.
  26. Multi-membered transmission units are reduced to two types of transmission units. Universal formula in the calculation of transmission velocity ratio of mechanisms having multiple structural components using the unit method was obtained.
  27. A modified transmission coefficient formula is derived based on the linear small amplitude wave theory, and calculation results are in good agreement with the test results.
  28. Based on the measured values of two operating transmission lines ( one for purified gas, the other for raw gas), the formulae for calculating their hydraulic friction coefficients are analysed, fitting is made, and their gas transmission formula is derived.
  29. Besides a regression analysis is made on the experience formula and a suitable transmission formula of blasting earthquake wave in this location is obtained. So it can achieve an appropriate permission section dose for stone blasting according to the request for the house protection.
  30. The characteristic impedance of signal lines in low and high frequency of expressions are derivated in this chapter. And it summarizes the types of signal lines and the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used transmission line characteristic impedance formula.